
Over 800 Member Reviews
Over 800 five star reviews from real members who find our copyright protection service valuable for their creative work.
402,977 works, securely protected
We've been protecting work since 2002 and securely hold 402,977 pieces of work for our members.
Trusted and Established Since 2002
Protect My Work setup as a Limited Company in 2002, registered with Companies House in the UK.
SHA256 File Hash Certification
SHA256 File Hash Code Certification
We use this powerful method of proving the authenticity of file(s) uploaded & we show these on our certificates. See our FAQs page.
HMRC VAT Registered
Protect My Work is registered with HMRC in the UK (VAT Number: 314566507)
ICO Registered
Protect My Work is registered with the ICO
Copyright Protection Valid in 179 countries
Registering your work with us, protects your copyright in 179 countries around the world.
Immediate Digital Copyright Certificate
Uploading your work to Protect My Work, generates a digital certificate immediately, as proof of your copyright.
Upload an Unlimited Amount of Work
Upload unlimited amounts of work. Just buy certificate tokens for £1 (ex. VAT) pay-as-you-go. 5 free on registering.
Free Takedown Advice
We provide a FREE 6 step takedown advisory guide with takedown advice by phone and email.
Free Takedown Letters
Free takedown letters for members, including DMCA, Cease and Desist & NDA letters.
Free Email and Phone Support
Protect My Work offers FREE Email & Phone support.
14 Day Money Back Guarantee
We offer a 14 day total satisfaction, no-questions-asked, money back guarantee.
Register Joint Copyright Holders for Free
When uploading work, members can add the names of additional copyright holders for specific works, absolutely free.
Inform 3rd Parties of Protected Work
Our unique email system gives members the option to inform third parties work is registered with Protect My Work. 
Upload Your Work from Website or Mobile
Our service is convenient, allowing you to upload work from desktop, laptop, mobile or tablet.
Recommended by IP Lawyers
Protect My Work is regularly recommended by IP lawyers, who contact us by email.
Free Copyright Protection Logos
We offer members 5 variations of Protect My Work copyright warning logos to use on their work.
Free Copyright Deterrent Notice
On submitting work, members receive copyright deterrent warning text, including a unique reference number.
Submit Your Work by Email
Submitting your work by email is convenient. Just email to protect@protectmywork.com and confirm in the reply email.
Free Copyright Detection Tools
Free tools to help monitor your work and its unauthorised use online.
Secondary Backup of Your Work
Should you lose your work or hard drive crashes, our members have a copy of their work held securely with us.
Free Affidavit
Should you need an affidavit for court action, Protect My Work will provide this, free of charge.
Automatic Backup of Protected Work
All work files submitted to Protect My Work are backed up daily, weekly and monthly for security of our members.
Bespoke Secure Website
Our website is bespoke, developed for purpose. We don't use Wordpress templates making our site even more secure.
In-House Support Team
Our in-house, UK based customer support team are available on phone or email. We don't outsource support abroad.
40 Years Copyright Experience
Protect My Work was born by two web designers, gaining over 40 years valuable commercial copyright experience.
Free Certificates Tokens for Referrals
Want to recommend us to a friend? We'll add 20 free certificate tokens to your account!
100% Confidentiality
Work is never opened without the express written permission of our members. Our automated system does all the work.
Free Site Video Tutorials
We offer quick and simple video tutorials to familiarise yourself with our system. Check out our FAQ page.


Protect My Work witnesses ownership and copyright of your creative work. In the event your work is used without your permission, we act as an extremely reliable witness, helping to remove copycats and copyright thieves. The most important factor in a copyright dispute is being able to prove the date and authorship of your work. Protect My Work keeps a secure copy of your work, the date and time it was registered and immediately generates a digital certificate with unique reference number, helping our members fight cases of copyright infringement and the removal of copycats.


Easy & quick registration process, then either upload or email your files directly to our secure vault.


We will confirm by email every successful submission received.


We will confirm by email to you every successful submission we receive.


All work is given a unique reference number, a digital certificate and confirmed by email. Work is available in your Member Area for easy future reference.


In the event that you're asked to for proof of your copyright, provide the unique reference number and password to a third-party. They can then use our search form to verify your digital certificate, date and time of registration and the associated work files.



In the event that you're asked to for proof of your copyright, provide the unique reference number and password to a third-party. They can then use our search form to verify your digital certificate, date and time of registration and the associated work files.